1·The swimming pool, with all enclosing walls taken down, overflows to form a backdrop for the Garden.
2·The enclosing walls of cultural relic protection units, heritage buildings and historical buildings should retain or have their original features restored.
3·On either side of the lane stand enclosing walls of medium height, which, moss-covered and hung with clusters of fresh green wistaria, look almost like screens of primitive simplicity.
4·Enclosing retaining walls at approximately 3 feet high embed the space partially underground while allowing 360 degree views.
5·Another of the more dire threats to the site has been unchecked development inside the boundaries of the old city walls, enclosing nearly three square miles.
6·The walls of some algae differ, e. g. the silica boxes enclosing diatoms, and the calcareous layer on the cell walls of calcareous algae.
7·One of the walls enclosing the park is decorated with a huge mural showing Hollywood stars.
8·Around halfway up the well-maintained carriageway you reach broken walls, enclosing what is left of the Montana hotel, where 60 people died.
9·Walls came to serve merely as enclosing screens.
10·Furthermore, the interior walls and the facades enclosing the patio were demolished.